Highly concentrated active foam with a slightly acid reaction and the scent of tropical fruit. It creates a thick foam with a creamy consistency. It i..
Wysoce skoncentrowana piana aktywna o lekko kwaśnym odczynie i zapachu owoców tropikalnych. Tworzy gęstą pianę o konsystencji kremu. Jest bezpieczna dla powłok ceramicznych. Dzięki wysokiej zawartości surfaktantów doskonale zmiękcza i usuwa wszelkie zanieczyszczenia z mytej powierzchni oraz usuwa water spoty.
Highly concentrated active foam with a slightly acid reaction and the scent of tropical fruit. It creates a thick foam with a creamy consistency. It i..
Highly concentrated active foam with a slightly acid reaction and the scent of tropical fruit. It creates a thick foam with a creamy consistency. It is safe for ceramic coatings. Thanks to the high content of surfactants, it perfectly softens and removes all impurities from the washed surface and removes water spots.
We know what pleasant work means, which is why when designing our products, we develop formulas that provide a pleasant smell.
Highly concentrated active foam with a slightly acid reaction and the scent of tropical fruit. It creates a thick foam with a creamy consistency. It is safe for ceramic coatings. Thanks to the high content of surfactants, it perfectly softens and removes all impurities from the washed surface and removes water spots.